Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh no you don't Lauren

Lauren thinks she can just hog all of the attention, announcing her pregnancy like she's the only one who's ever conceived a child. Well I've got news for her...she's NOT.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out for another one of these.
But then I try to remember that sometimes he's actually cute, like when he feeds the chickens at grandma's house.

So if Lauren announces that she is pregnant with twins, you better believe my next post will be about the miracle sextuplets I've got baking in my womb.

I'm due February 2nd.


  1. you always just steal my spotlight, don't you? "i'm getting married everyone" "oh well i'm getting married in 6 months" "i'm pregnant" "well landon's gonna be old news cause i'm pregnant too. oh and we are buying a house and my husband's in the bishopbric and we have a job that we get a paycheck from" fine, you win.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh man how I love this. And how I love you and Lauren! I am excited for you to be mama number 2. I think it's so great you and Lauren are having babies around the same time. Makes me jealous. You guys need to slow down so I can catch up. Love you Tams!!!!

  3. HA! Congrats, Tam. This is fun...

  4. You knew about this when we were in Utah visiting?! All of our chats on the subject, you little liar! That is all I have to say about this whole situation...and I guess congrats on the new offspring.

  5. CONGRATS!!!!!! I am super excited for you!

  6. Congratulations! Can't believe we still haven't met your first kid, we miss you guys!

  7. That is a great way to say you're pregnant...and you probably have twins in there. I knew you were when we visited. Pregnant people can tell when other women are pregnant. By the way I'm due again March 2nd. Hopefully I don't beat you this time with the delivery date.

  8. congrats tams!!! nothing like a little sibling rivalry :)

  9. Ha Ha Ha sibbling rivalry is great!! I witness it in my own girls every day! Congratulations to both of you on your growing families! Best wishes from the Doerr's

  10. Nice post Tamara! That just made my day. Congrats too!
